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Tuesday, May 19, 2009


This term we are learning all about communities. Room 9 will be working as a community as we work together to look after our edible garden. We will also find out how our garden is community aswell.
We have chosen the site for our garden and the caretakers have kindly built the garden for us. 

We have thought about what we want to find out about our edible garden this term. Read our questions:

Helena and Amy- "Why do plants need water?"
Maddie and Rebecca- "How do seeds grow?"
Kush and Lav- "How do seeds grow into plants?"
Craig and Kip- "How are seeds made?"
Matt H- "Where do seeds come from?"
Alex and Wayne- "How much water do plants need to grow?"
Eloise and Briana- "How do plants grow?"
Harry and Alex E- "How many times a day do you need to water a plant?"
Arabella and Estelle- "Why do plants need water ad sunshine?"

Mrs Dean was very kind and brought plenty of different seedlings. There was spinach, onions, carrots, broccoli, beans and potatoes.

Look at us all getting our hands dirty, planting the seedlings. Craig has taken photos of us busy planting the seedlings.

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