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Monday, May 25, 2009

Today we went to visit our garden. We all looked closely at our garden and made observations:

Helena - "It got bigger and you can see some of the little bits of the potatoes." 

Lav - "They were really big and the potatoes are still under the ground."

Alex - "All the plants have grown because it has rained. Some of the plants have fallen down because the rain might have been a bit heavy."

Rebecca - "Some of them have been eaten by caterpillars."

Harrison - "The plants have grown really well."

Wayne - "The plants grew well in the good soil."

Craig  - "Some of them the stems have broken"

Kip - "My potato seed has gotten really big because I saw some sprouts in the ground."

Xavier - "I saw some carrots and potatoes.

Chloe - "That all of them have been growing really fast and some have been eaten by ants or big birds."

Maddie - "Some of the potatoes you can see a plant coming out."

Brianna - "Some of the potatoes have grown sprouts already."

Matt P - "All the plants have grown really fast because it was raining."

Kush - The plants are growing lots of leaves."

Eloise - "I noticed that my carrot was the biggest so far because I grew an extra deep hole."

Nathania - "Some of the seedlings are growing very fast and some have been eaten."

Harry - "My plant was growing really well ... actually the class plants."

Matt H - "There was lots of shade and not enough sun and the other veggie gardens have more sun and it might be stopping our plants from growing."

Arabella - "We did very well planting them and they look very good."

Estelle - "Some of the carrots are sprouting because there is some grass stuff near them."

Amy - "The stalk is growing on the one with the red leaves."

Ashley -  "Room 9's potatoes were sprouting."

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